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καί introduciendo oraciones interrogativas con matiz de sorpresa o indignación, o para pedir información adicional: ¿conjunción o marcador del discurso?

José Miguel Jiménez Delgado

Seiten 127 - 152

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/SPR.53.2.127

The purpose of this paper is to analyse two specific uses of the Greek particle καί as a copulative conjunction: introducing questions that convey surprise, contempt or indignation, and introducing a request for supplementary information. It is argued that the peculiarity of both uses goes beyond their syntactic configuration and illocutionary force, namely that the coordinated sentences do not lead to the same argumentative conclusions despite being connected by καί. The analysis is based on the comparison with similar uses of copulative conjunctions of other languages and has been conducted on a corpus made up of works by Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Xenophon and Plato.


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