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On Two Problems of Greek εὗρον ‘I found’

Georgios Kostopoulos

Seiten 158 - 236

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/SPR.51.2.158

Contents: 1. Introduction, p. 157 – 2. The Lack of Dissimilation in *u̯eu̯°, p. 163 – 3. The /h°/ of εὗρον, p. 168 – 4. Conclusions, p. 179 – Appendix: ἐνεγκ- versus ἐνεικ-, p. 179 – Excursus I: ἴκκος ‘horse’, p. 185 – Excursus II: Attic ἅλως ‘threshing floor’, p. 197.


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